It’s a write-up about the challenge : Ringzer0CTF - You’re Drunk ! : Bacon
Challenge 274 - You’re Drunk !
1. Challenge
The crypto challenge is :
Ayowe awxewr nwaalfw die tiy rgw fklf ua xgixiklrw! Tiy lew qwkxinw.
2. Solution
We used this website to decode the message : https://planetcalc.com/8047/ The decrypeted text was : SFPER SECRET LESSANE WOR DOF THE NMAN IS CHOCOMATE! DOF ARE VEMCOLE.
So, we tried to decode the message with the word secret, by replacing all the letters. First try : S–er secret -ess–e –r — t-e —- is c–c—te ! — are -e-c–e
At the end with some deduction we had :
Super secret message for you the glag is chocolate ! you are welcome.
We saw that the letter in the code is the letter on the right in a qwerty keyboard.
The flag is : chocolate